page 2 the early years 1980-2000

Spa Francorchamps 2004
The most relaxed historic motorcycle team, using the most expensive old iron the British motorcycle industry ever produced. Years of endless evenings have been spend in windy old barns, "dark"rooms and backyards triing to make the triples stop leaking oil and losing parts. Enormous amounts of money and time were spent in useless projects.
But fun we do have!
Scheizer Dreieck 2005
This story starts when Dirk bought his purple 1972 Trident and Michiel bought a special 1969, Rob and BR (Bolle Rob) followed. And we started collecting remains of the British motorcycle empire. In 1978 we started with Eenhoorn (Unicorn) events in Holland at Zandvoort, Almere and Assen but when the KNMV (Royal Motorcycle Union) and environmental laws killed Classic Motor Sport for over 500 cc in Holland; we had to move to events in Belgium, France, England and Germany.
From 1978 up too 2005 it took a lot of pistonholes, genever, a few relations and not at least many kilos of weight. But now at last we and the bike's are running well.

Continues work on parts to make the fabuleus Britisch craftmanship reliable, lighter and competitive.

So at this moment we have several Rocket 3’s and Tridents, starting with a 1968 (USA) Trident till the latest T160 from 1975. At the moment we have three Rob North, three short-frame production T150’s a Rickman and some stock triples. Among this there are 750, 850 and a 1000 cc Triples.
(Luckily you don't have our adresses)
Our last member Erik also owns a beautiful Rickman and has therefore become our Erikman.
Candidate member BOR (ROB-3) is collecting pieces, courage and money to get his bike on wheels.
support for boR, our sleeping mate, is still welcome.
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